Monday, June 11, 2012

OSC for Java

So I'm working on creating the interactive/responsive animation for the hallway, and I've hit a few roadblocks. Can anyone help me figure this out?


I downloaded the javaOSC folder from this site: I added it to the package I'm working on, but the program isn't recognizing any of the classes. Anyone have any idea how to make it recognize the class names from the OSC download?

Making ChucK send the amplitude:

Jan sent me a great link which has some code, but I'm just kind of sitting here scratching my head as I try to figure out how it works. Help? (Here is the code:

Java animation:

Is it just like animation in Python? Have a dy/dx and update the canvas with a small shift in location for each object?


  1. This may call for additional troops to answer these questions. I signed up for the chuck users group. Maybe post a message there nd see if you get some help.

  2. Another possibility is to use Processing (the language) instead of Java. It is really centered on visual effects, and is built on top of Java. But is friendlier. And I bet it has OSC already built in. It is what Eitan uses in csc106. I think there is a book on it on the bookshelf in the lab.

    But! Processing is another whole language. So...don't forget about ChucK.

  3. Hi, download the package and put the "com" directory in the same directory the your package resides in. Then "import com.illposed.osc;" in your java-file should do the trick. At least that is the way I did it. Maybe you have to compile the files in com.illposed.osc, dont quite remember.
