Friday, June 8, 2012


Create a set up in hallway that will record noise and show a graphical representation on the computer screen.

  • Connect microphone to computer and show waveform changes as person makes sound
  • Connect microphone to computer and alter sound input 
  • Use webcam to create sounds based on user movement/gestures


  1. Other possible ideas: If a speaker setup is possible, allow the computer to respond with sounds of its own, instead of or in addition to a graphical representation. Downside: can't keep out in the hallway for long periods of time b/c it will get annoying. Upside: interesting and would be very cool as an interactive thing in a computer science art show, or installed in the hallway for a short amount of time.

  2. We could have a headphone jack and invite people to stick their headphones in. We could possibly set it up with multiple headphone jack inputs.
