Monday, June 11, 2012

Music theory for musicians

I decided not to make a powerpoint about music theory for musicians because it's such a widely covered topic already. Instead, I found some easy to use online resources that probably explain things better than I could. Most of these resources cover the systems that western music traditionally uses to write and play music (musical staves, types of notes, chords, harmony, etc).
This site has excellent coverage of basic through intermediate/lower advanced topics of music theory. It lets you go through the lessons at your own pace and has exercises to test your knowledge too. However, if you're looking for a very quick summary, it may not be the best.

Here's a much more in-depth document that explains how notes relate to each other and how scales are constructed:

A very simply written summary of the basics:

The Wikipedia page on music theory. Not very good as a learning tool, but not bad as a reference.

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